Thursday, December 8, 2011

Advocacy Project: Letter to an Elected Official

December 8th, 2011

Pat Strachota
Room 324 East
P.O. Box 8953
Madison, WI 53703

VOTE YES ON EH-2 Increasing the Different Means of Transportation Act of 2011

The main purpose of this proposed act is to offer alternative means for transportation that are more environmentally friendly that will produce less air pollution from the standardizes buses, trains, and cab services. I am in favor of this idea to promote biking, walking, or even car pooling in some cases to help keep healthier air for everyone to breath, and to promote a healthier lifestyle by implementing exercise into our daily lives. This act will provide an all around healthier lifestyle for everyone.

This act will help us all become healthier. It is proven that since 1980 cases of asthma have increased 75% and this is due to the quality of air we are breathing. All of the different buses, bus routes, taxi, trains, excessive driving produces mass amounts of pollution, and fuel going into the air. We are all greatly affected, since we are all breathing this dirty air. It is shown that shopping trips to the store, or local businesses are less than 5 miles from home, which would be the perfect opportunity to either walk, or ride a bicycle. It is known that obesity is a problem in our country today due to the newly developed sedentairy lifestyle we have developed. If this act is passed we all will be breathing healthier air due to increased air pollution from automobiles, and become more active, and healthy in terms of our own respiratory and cardiac health. The benefit of our health out weigh the cons in both short and long term effects.

Opponents of this bill may say that by promoting alternatives means companies are going to lose business. However, the same companies can also offer bike, or roller blade rentals, and they would still be making a profit. They would also be saving large amounts of funds as they would not have to supply their vehicles with the expensive gas prices they are having to pay. If they increase their prices of their company it will discourage many from taking the bus, or a taxi, but for the ones who really want to they are going to pay the amount, so all of these companies are still going to be making a profit. I believe for my solution and support for promoting alternative modes of transportation in our daily lives is a great idea for everyone's health, and daily behaviors, as we will all be benefitting in the long run from this. We all breath the same air, so we should all work to keep it clean, and not be selfish.

We greatly appreciate the efforts you have made to finding a solution to this problem, and look forward to hearing from you soon. We hope that you vote "yes" on this proposed act to help all of our well being. If you have any further questions, or concerns please feel free to contact me at, 262-222-3333 or


Lindsay W.


  1. Good job on your letter! It is so important to increase other means of transportation, as it will most definitely increase healthier lifestyles. I have asthma, so it is important to me that we breathe healthy air! I would love to increase my physical fitness by using a bike more often for transportation.. maybe I will look into purchasing one this spring!

  2. Lindsay, you picked a very interesting topic, and a tough one. It can be hard to convince people to give up their "freedom" in having easy access to their cars. I agree, that whenever possible walking is a preferred alternative. I think though as a society we've become so used to the idea of driving 20 or 30 miles to work, the store, or for fun that it will be very hard to change the public mindset. As for myself, I hate using my car as much as I do, but while I'm going to school I'm stuck. However, as I live in a small town I have ample opportunities to walk to my dentist, the bank, the post office, the library, and other places.

    Your letter makes some good arguments for voting yes! Nicely done.

  3. I really liked the examples of what someone who would be opposed to this bill would say. You came up with really good reasons why those excused do not matter. You would think with the price of gas these days people would be more willing to ride their bike to save some money. Great letter.
