Monday, October 24, 2011

Eye Opener-Junk on the Brain

Part 1:
Antique: an old collectable item
Junk: any undesired thing or substance
Flea Market: swap meet, place where secondhand or inexpensive good are bartered
Thrift Shop: retail establishment run by a charitable organization to raise money
Upcycling: process of converting waste material or useless materials into new products or materials of better quality or higher environmental value
Resale Shop: the act of selling again to a different party, secondhand selling

Part 2:
All of these terms directly relate to environmental health. They all describe different ways we can reuse our everyday items that we think are trash and find different needs for them. Also, we can go to different places that sell other people's "junk" but find ways to use them for ourselves at a cheap price instead of just throwing everything away. In the end it saves us money, but also it saves the environment from being polluted.
1. Father Time Antiques (antiquing)
395 S. Lake Ave. #1 Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 625-2379
2. Junkers Blog (junking)
Ki Nasseur
From Minnesota, currently living in California
3. Minnesota Flea Market (flea markets)
Lake Superior College (Annual 2nd Flea Market second Sunday in August)
2101 Trinity Rd.
Duluth, MN 55811
4. GoodWill (thrift shop)
700 Garfield Ave.
Duluth, MN 55802
(218) 722 3050
5. Christopher's Lowell Upcycled Furniture from Local Homes
Found in the Sears Dept. at Miller Hill Mall
1600 Miller Trunk Hwy
Duluth, MN
(218) 725 0395
6. Savers (retail shop)
1740 Mall Dr.
Duluth, MN 55811
(218) 722-1894
I do not do any of these things. I honestly have never really thought of any of these ideas actually. When I have garbage, or something I think I can't use I just throw it away. I have never taken the time to actually look at it and see all of the possible options I could use it for. Also, I never think to shop at thrift stores. I have always just went to Target, so whenever I need something my first thought is to always go there.

Part 3:
1. How to Display Pumpkins, I find this to be cool because I just carved pumpkins this past weekend, and some of them didn't turn out like I invisioned it, but instead of throwing it away i could plant flowers in it, and make it into a fun fall decoration for my front porch! It is also right in season, so the weather and timing is perfect for this idea!
2. Happy Father's Day Eve, I really like this idea, because I always want to get my dad something memorable, but I can never come up with a good idea. I never have a lot of money to spend, but yet I want to get him something meaningful. I do have old glass bottles and jars laying around I can easily decorate and make bright, and put a picture of me on it. He can then put it on his desk as a pencil holder, and always see me, it's cheap and easy to do, and I know he could actually use it!
3. Candle Holder 101 I just really like this idea simply because it just looks awesome! I love decorating my house and having candles all around, especially different scents during specific times of the years, but I never know where to put them. I like the idea of the old rustic sheet metal. I just think it looks really cool and vintage, and when I get more of a permaent residence I want to decorate my house like this, it's very pretty! I like the idea!
I LOVED this website! There was so many cool ideas, and projects that I can do just with stuff I have laying around. I have never really thought about half of this stuff, but now my wheels are spinning on all the endless possibilities I have on decorating!

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change-5 Final Review & Reflection

My SMART goal was to completely cut out the use of paper toweling in my home, and to reduce the amount of toilet paper I use as well. In this past week I did experience success with not using paper toweling, because there was none in the house, so there was none to use. It was helpful with the out of sight out of mind motto. I also experienced success with cutting down the amount of toilet paper I use, and just using what I need, and not taking more then just because I could. I did this by placing a small "t" on my hand to remember to count each time I went to grab toilet paper. I had my overall lowest average, so that was exciting!
This past week I didn't face any challenged regarding using paper toweling since I didn't have access to any at home. I always used old t-shirts as rags that were kept in the kitchen. I did face a bit of a challenge with the toilet paper. When I am at school especially there isn't little squares to count, so I had to estimate the amount I used, which isn't going to be 100% accurate to my count, but it will be close as I do have a good idea on what 7 squares looks like to compare it to.
My feelings after this week are accomplished and successful. I am proud of not using paper toweling, and always being aware of the amount of toilet paper I use. I feel like I am doing good when I only use what I really need verses take extra just because it is there. In a small way I feel like I am helping everyone by doing this. I am also proud when I do this as I feel like I am really changing some of my habits.
This past week I learned that if you really want to change you can, you just have to be willing to. Also, I learned that it is easy to save on toilet paper, and you don't always need as much as you think you do. It's a simple saving technique to try.
My plans for next week and the future are to continue to not use paper toweling at all in my house, and to help share and embrace this idea with my friends, as it is a simple thing to do. I will continue to do this for now on. I am always going to continually only use the exact amount of toilet paper that I actually need instead of just taking more then for no reason. I will not modify my goals for the future.
Average Number of Bathroom Use: 6.3 times a day
Average Number of Toilet Paper Squares: 6.2 (this is a record low for me!

My SMART goal did not change throughout the process. I started with wanting to stop using paper toweling and instead make my own rags (through old t-shirts) and to cut down on the amount of toilet paper I use. This stayed consistent every week.
I found my success was from not buying anymore paper toweling, so I would not even be tempted to use it. I also found it helpful to put a little "t" on my hand in the beginning to remember to think of the toilet paper I was using, and from doing this it eventually just became a habit. I did face a challenge when my roommates would buy paper toweling when we didn't need it. In the future I will just remind them more often, and have them help me cut rags so they can see we really do have them.
I believe I benefitted a lot from this project. I changed simple habits that I had never really thought of before. I believe that now in the long run I am more aware of my simple everyday actions. I am also really helping to save on paper products. I learned that it's easy to reuse and find different uses for many things that are just laying around the house.
My roommates benefited from this as well, because they have not bought paper toweling as much, and are using the rags to clean and do dishes now, which is awesome. We are also going through a lot less toilet paper as a whole house as well.
I will continue with this new behavior and habits of mine as it is a good feeling to know I am helping and it's simple to do as well!
I recomend this idea to everyone, it is simple to take old shirts and make rags, and you will also be saving money by not buying paper toweling as well. Also, you do not need as much toilet paper as you may think you do!
Overall, it was a great project and I am glad I participated in it, and in the end I changed some bad habits of mine!