About Me

Hello Fellow Bloggers,
My name is Lindsay Walter, a junior here at University of Minnesota Duluth majoring in Health Education with a minor in Coaching.
My blog focuses on the idea, "learn to love the land you live in". I really believe in this concept because we are all creatures of this planet, and all live here. All of the actions that we do not only affect us, but all of the other people around us. The purpose of this is to help learn different, yet simple ways to cut down on the resources we use, to not only help us, but everyone else around us. I started with my Eco-Chic Lifestyle goal of cutting down the amount of toilet paper I use, and eliminating paper products all together, which I have been very successful at. This has led into other new healthy behaviors that I am quite proud of as well. We only have one world, so why not make it the greatest one we can!

Contact Information:
I would love to hear from you! E-mail is the easiest way!

Some of my goals are to eat health, by eating more vegetables and fruits in my everyday diet. Also to never take for granted the land we have, and sending nothing to waste as well!

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