Monday, October 17, 2011

Eye Opener-Enviromental Working Group

I took a chapstick out of my pocket and decided to look at that, not really knowing what to expect. It was just a plain Chapstick Lip Balm Regular, a common everyday product that I would never even think would be harmful to me or the environment at all. After looking I found that it was between low and medium (closer to low) but still had a bigger red line on the graph that I would of though. I mean, chapstick, I never would of thought something like this would be harmful at all. It also has a small cancer rating, which was very surprising to me as well. The allergies and immunotoxicity was between moderate to high. I never really think or hear of people being allergic to something simple like this, but it makes sense. Also, it stated that there was no information of the use of it and animal testing policy.
I was happy to see that animals were not harmed in the process of making the chapstick I use to test subjects for it. I am absolutely against the testing on animals, because I believe they are just like people and should not subjected to many of the experiments they are put through. But, then I think of all of the other products I use and I know that animals are tested and harmed in the process, which does make me sad and wonder if I really need to be using these products or if there is alternative options. Now everything that I do I find myself really thinking about, which is something that I never did before. My overall behaviors and attitudes are changing a lot from this class, and I find it very intriguing to me.

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change #4

My SMART goal is to fully stop using paper toweling in my everyday life, and to cut down as I become more aware of the amount of toilet paper I use on a daily basis also. This week was a bit of a slip when it came to maintaining my goal. My roommate went out and bought paper toweling, and I remember spilling my milk, and then going to grab the paper toweling as it was right there. Then, after I had used it I thought to myself "Lindsay, what are you using?" It was just so instinctive, because it was right there. However, I did a good job with counting the amount of toilet paper I use each time I use the bathroom, which was a bit of a challenge last week. I was successful with remembering to count the amount of toilet paper I used each time by the "t" on my hand, which I eventually hope to stop doing that, but that is how I remained success with that. 
My challenges came about with the paper toweling, I know that I cut up old t-shirts, and turned them into rags, but I can't get my roommates to be on the same page with me with that. I did talk to her though and she said she wouldn't buy it anymore, so hopefully she will not. Hopefully the whole out of sight out of mind concept will work for both of us here. 
I felt like a cheater, and like I betrayed a promise or something when I caught myself using the paper toweling. Even though I wasn't breaking a law or anything I still felt guilty after I did it. I was also disapoited in myself for resorting to using paper toweling, because I was doing so well without it. However, everytime I recorded my toilet paper use I felt excited for myself in remembering to do so, and my averages went down, which was a good feeling as well.
This week I learned that it is harder then you think to change a behavior. And that just because I thought I was changed and would never use paper toweling again I was wrong. I think this little set back helped me to really see the big picture, and always just be aware of what I am doing. 
My plan for next week is to not use paper toweling at all. My roommate and I cut up more old t-shirts, and hand washed the ones we had been using so we are both going to use those. She is also not going to buy anymore paper toweling. I will continue with the behaviors I am working with, and try to remember everytime I use the bathroom to record it so my data stays accurate.
Average Number of Bathroom Use: 6.2 times per day (this is something I really can't change)
Average Number of Squared: 6.9 squares per use (down from last week, which is always my goal to reduce my average every week!)