Sunday, October 9, 2011

Eye Opener-CSPI

I really liked this website and found some of the statistics really surprising actually! I was shocked at the general overview of how much fertilizer and pesticides is in the everyday foods around us. After calculating the foods I ingest I found that 465 grams of manure are created by the foods I eat, .1 acres of grain, 0 pounds of pesticides and 2.4 pounds of fertilizer for animal feed. I am a vegetarian and also do not eat eggs or cheese, so I was not surprised after my servings were calculated. I do eat a lot of fruits and vegetables which are healthier and better for the the enviornment, which I already knew. After I scored my diet I found that the highest numbers were in the fruit category (60). I eat a lot of fruit, usually multiple servings everyday. I am trying to cut back on the sweets I do eat also because I know they are not healthy, and are also expensive to make and package. The fruits I do eat are made cheaply, and are good for the land, which is why I am trying to eat more of them, and more organic foods as well. My overall score was 75, which was excellent. I was pleased with this score, but also know it has a lot to do with me not eating meat, and trying to stay away from the packaged foods, like chips and cookies. I really didn't have any low scores, the lowest one was -2, which was in the sweets category. I can always improve my overall diet again by cutting out the sweets I do eat, which is something I am working towards, but sometimes ice cream is just too tempting for me! I was pleased with my overall score and with the results of the foods I am eating. It was pretty interesting to see how after changing my diet how little the whole process takes, and the little amount of energy I am using. It is definitely a good feeling to be helping more than hurting our world! I also did take the pledge, because I want to do my part and help in anyway that I can. Also, I realized that I am not the only person living on this earth, and essentially everyone is affected by my actions in someway. I am going to work on improving my diet (eating less sweets) as well! Wish me luck!


  1. After reading your post, it seems as though your lifestyle does not affect the environment as much as most people. It seems like your on the right track when it comes to saving the environment as it relates to you being a vegetarian. You mentioned that you don't eat cheese or eggs, are you a vegan? Prior to participating in the CSPI activity and reading other peoples posts, I truly never thought that one could harm the environment in such ways. This activity was very enlightening!

  2. I think it's great that you are working towards cutting out packaged foods like sweets. That is not only healthier for you, but also for the environment! (Although I agree about ice cream - sometimes it just can't be ignored!).

  3. Wow, I didn't know you were a vegetarian. I love sweets too but I think I'd rather give up sweets to eat meat!

    I found it easier to limit eating sweets or not eat sweets at all by being broke. When you're broke, you can't buy anything and if you can't buy anything, there's no candy for you to eat.
