Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3

My SMART goal was to reduce the amount of toilet paper and paper toweling I use on a daily basis and in my home. I did a good job at achieving this goal this past week. I am proud to say that I did not use any paper toweling, but instead used old T-shirts to clean up spills and other minor cleaning. There is actually no more in our house, and I do not plan on buying anymore either. I also did better with less amounts of toilet paper use. I thought of this everytime I went to the restroom.
 I found success with cutting down the amount. My strategy was again to write a little "t" on my hand for toweling to always remember to count when I reach my hand out to grab the toilet paper. However, it was challenging at times when I was not at home to use a limited amount of toilet paper. I always count the squares, but when I am at school there is not squares, so it is hard to know the exact amount I am using.
I felt really good about myself and my behavior for this past week. It was a good feeling to not use paper toweling and to know I am helping to preserve a tree, and not only was I changing but it was forcing my roommates to as well. It was rewarding to know I am not only benefitting myself, but others actually. I am excited to continue by behavior change, and to see how far I can really go with this. Everytime I used the bathroom or cleaned a spill I felt this rewarding feeling.
I learned this week that if someone really wants to change that they will. Also, that it is easy to change if you are willing to, and it's a lot easier with a little effort.
Next week I am going to tell more people (my teammates) about the old t shirt idea as we have a ton after cleaning out our locker room, and instill the idea on their heads and hope that they listen to what I say and try it! I will continue to write the "t" on my hand and count the number of squares. I am also going to measure it out, to get a better idea of the exact length to compare it to when I am in a public place with no precise squares to count. My goal is still to get down below 5 squares. However, I know this will be challenging to do, but I am going to continue to work at it.
Average Number of restroom Use: 5 times daily
Average Number of squares: 7.5 squares (this is still way to high).


  1. Hi Lindsay! Is your ultimate plan overall is to completely eliminate using toilet paper or just get down to as little as possible? Why do you think 7.5 squares is too high? I'm glad to hear you felt such a rewarding feeling as you manged your behavior change this week. Good luck on lowering the square amount!

  2. My overall goal is to just cut down the amount I use and be more aware, because for a long time I would just use toilet paper (way more then needed) and think nothing of it. This may be TMI but when you think about 7.5 squares per 5 to 6 times a day times 7 days a week that just seems like a lot to me! Also, when I go number 1 I feel like 7.5 squares is a lot..

  3. So as I was reading this post, I kept wondering how many sets of squares do you use in one visit to the bathroom when you know... do the number 2. I would imagine you'd have to use 4 or 5 sets of 7.5 squares to be clean down there. Or is your SMART goal with the whole toilet paper thing only for when you go number 1?

  4. So glad to hear about the t-shirts! I've been trying to switch to using rags/cloths more also, so it's encouraging to know someone else being successful with it! Like we discussed in class - you vote with your dollar! So by buying less paper products you are voting! Great idea to encourage your roommates and team mates as well!

    Good luck with the TP! It is an interesting goal, and I too would be interested to know what a "good amount" of squares would be.
