Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2

My SMART goal was to not buy any paper toweling and instead cut up old t-shirts, or find rags to use for cleaning, or other around the house chores, and to cut down the amount of toilet paper I use while using the restroom. I did start to obtain my goal. I took all of the paper toweling we had in the house and hid it in the closet, and took old shirts and turned them into rags. I have been using those to dry the dishes, and clean up spills around the house. I also have become more aware of the amount of toilet paper I am using. I have started to count the number of squares. I always am aware of this now when using the restroom. I have found that I use to use way more then was actually necessary (I won't get into too much deal with that though). I did have success with the the reusable wash cloth idea, and didn't find any challenges with that, it was actually pretty easy to do! I was better most of the time with reducing the amount of toilet paper I used, but it was challenging to think about it everytime. I found that by having this goal that it helps me be more cautious of my actions, and actually think of other things I can do on a daily basis to help change some of my bad habits. I actually wrote on my hand "toilet paper" so everything I go to use the bathroom, and reach for toilet paper I see it, so that will help me remember to only use what is necessary. I found it rewarding to actually know that I am helping out our earth, even though it is minor I figure that every little thing I can do helps! This week I learned that I can't just change overnight, but if I really want to put in the effort then I will be able to change a lot of my habits. My plan for next week is to count the number of squares I use everytime I go to the bathroom for a starting point, and then with the following weeks to try and reduce that number everytime. I will continue with my goal as it is, and just try to be more accurate everytime I am in the bathroom. I am excited to see my results! I have started a tally mark for everytime I use the bathroom and the number of sheets I use each time. My total for this past week's average was; Bathroom Use: 5 times daily, Sheets of toilet paper: 8 times per use. I think this is ok for the first calculations, but I want to cut down the number by each week.


  1. Hi Lindsay! What a smart idea to remind yourself by making notes on your hand about the toilet paper. I also like they idea of you using old t-shirts for rags to help you with household chores. I have question, now that you are using reusable material to accommodate you in your smart goal, are you using more water than you would normally use to wash them? Just a thought.

  2. Thanks! I actually got the idea from Sierra, so the credit goes to her! I don't find myself using too much water, usually just enough to dampen the rag (I did think about this when I made the rags though)

  3. This post was funny. Kudos on the humor. My family and friends use old shirts as rags too! I can't wait to hear how much toilet paper you've used so far.
