Monday, October 3, 2011

Eco-Footprint-Eye Opener

After taking the test on how much of the earth I really do use I was not too surprised by my results. At the beginning of the summer I spent two weeks in Australia, and was literally "roughing" it compared to my normal lifestyle. This was easily the best experience for me, helping me change my behaviors that I still continue to do today. We did not have any running water, and would use "drop dunnies" to go to the bathroom, and everything we ate we picked from the garden. After living this way I really learned to be grateful for all that I do have. Today, I walk or ride my bike and rarely use my car, unless it is necessary. I also compost the food I cook, and reuse any and everything I can. I take short showers, and in the winter stock up on blankets and sweats. I think if I hadn't went to Australia and actually lived like this my habits would not of changed as much. I am so grateful that I did get to go, and now I live more "green" and help the people around me change their habits as well! I still do think it is crazy though how much we really do waste without evening knowing it. I believe if we all spent a little more time thinking of our actions we could all make a huge impact on the earth and its resources.


  1. What an awesome experience to have! It's great that you've kept up those habits still. I think it's cool that you compost - I'd love to do that someday when I have the space (I live in an apartment right now).

  2. What a wonderful experience to encounter. After reading your post it seems like Australia may have made you eco-friendly prior to taking this course. Way to go for incorporating those adopted behaviors in your lifestyle.
