Monday, September 26, 2011

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1- My SMART Goal

There are many behaviors I possess that I really want to change to help preserve our resources. However, I decided that my SMART goal is going to be using less toilet paper, and using wash clothes instead of paper toweling to clean. This is very eco friendly, because it will really cut down on paper use and the killing of trees. I do tend to go through a lot of these two products without even realizing that I do it. This is important to me, because I really do want to become more conscious of ways I can help our world. Also, as I said I never realize how much I really do use until after the after math. I want to do my part in helping our world! I went to the store tonight and did not even buy paper toweling, but instead I got wash cloths which I will begin using the next time I go to reach for the paper toweling in the cupboard. I also bought less toilet paper for our house, and told me roommates we have to make this last. I also have begun to count the number of squares I use..this could get interesting!

Toilet Paper Count:
I am starting off with 6 rolls just for myself, and will be counting each time I use the restroom. I am going to try and make these rolls last as long as possible. I will also be saving a lot of money by this method, and by using wash cloths from now on. I am excited to see where I can go with new behavior!


  1. Hi Lindsay, its me again! I really admire you for taking on such a challenging goal. I agree that it is extremely eco friendly, however I do believe this goal will take some getting use to because we never think about small things such as toilet paper use and how it affects our environment. I am very interested to read your progress along the way and I wish you luck because this is a very challenging accomplishment. Good luck!

  2. I think using wash clothes/re-usable wipes instead of paper towels is a great idea! I often think of doing that, but end up reverting back to the easy option. If you have any old t-shirt you don't want anymore, you could cut those up to use as rags too! Double recycling!! :)
