Monday, October 17, 2011

Eye Opener-Enviromental Working Group

I took a chapstick out of my pocket and decided to look at that, not really knowing what to expect. It was just a plain Chapstick Lip Balm Regular, a common everyday product that I would never even think would be harmful to me or the environment at all. After looking I found that it was between low and medium (closer to low) but still had a bigger red line on the graph that I would of though. I mean, chapstick, I never would of thought something like this would be harmful at all. It also has a small cancer rating, which was very surprising to me as well. The allergies and immunotoxicity was between moderate to high. I never really think or hear of people being allergic to something simple like this, but it makes sense. Also, it stated that there was no information of the use of it and animal testing policy.
I was happy to see that animals were not harmed in the process of making the chapstick I use to test subjects for it. I am absolutely against the testing on animals, because I believe they are just like people and should not subjected to many of the experiments they are put through. But, then I think of all of the other products I use and I know that animals are tested and harmed in the process, which does make me sad and wonder if I really need to be using these products or if there is alternative options. Now everything that I do I find myself really thinking about, which is something that I never did before. My overall behaviors and attitudes are changing a lot from this class, and I find it very intriguing to me.


  1. Hi Lindsay!

    I concur. This class has got me on the verge of being paranoid about everything I consume, now with what I put on my body as well. Prior to taking this course I knew some-things were not so environmental friendly and were dangerous, but my thought pattern since taking this course has changed so drastically. It's becoming very difficult for me to shop for anything. I'm constantly checking out the labels and looking for certain ingredients. I'm becoming very in-tuned with various aspects of health.

  2. Hey Lindsay!
    Great product to search! Never would have thought about chapstick - it's something I turn to when I need to "HEAL" my skin, so how could it be harmful?! haha.

    Chnice, I agree about being paranoid!! Food, cosmetics, water, oh my!

  3. I did not think the results for chapstick was that extreme. Well, it's a good thing I don't use chapsticks a lot. I guess I feel somewhat better knowing that they don't test on animals.
