Saturday, December 3, 2011

Advocacy Project: Fact Sheet

Fact Sheet About Minimizing Public Transportation and Promoting Other Environmentally Friendly Transportation Options

What is the current problem? 
People rely too much on public transportation, or driving themselves places instead of walking, biking, or finding alternative methods. All of this driving pollutes the air, and people are unaware of how much this really affects all of us, because we are all the ones breathing the air. 

Who is affected by this?
1. Us (the citizens breathing this polluted air)
2. Transportation companies (buses, taxis)

What are possible solutions to reduce this pollution, but still provide safe ways to get around?
1. Have companies offer services for a small fee. This way they are still making money, but also discouraging people to rely on it so much, causing less pollution, and dirty air that we all have to breath. Many people are unaware of the long-term affects that occur from the air we are breathing now.
2. In the summer time offer rental bike services right by the train, bus, or taxi station, and have the option available to people.

Take a Bike Over the Bus and Here's Why!
-More than half commute trips, and 3/4 of shopping trips are under 5 miles in length, which would be perfect for biking and getting outside
-About 27.3% of the driving public reported that they rode a bicycle at least once last summer, which equals to approximately 57 million people over the age of 16 who rode a bicycle and have access to one
-A bicycle is an excellent choice for an aerobic, enjoyable exercise

-Asthma has increased within 75% since 1980, which is affected our children and their potential health
-The long-term affects of breathing polluted air are still unknown

By helping to promote other means of transportation such as biking and walking we can help save ourselves and our health in the long run. Even though public transportation and automobiles are a good idea our health is more important. 


  1. I am totally writing a paper about using alternative forms of transportation for another class! I agree that people should ride there bike or walk more. It would not only help the environment by reducing pollution but people would get in better shape which would help with the obesity epidemic. It would be like hitting two birds with one stone!

  2. Good job on your fact sheet! It's so important we learn how to be more environmentally friendly when it comes to transportation. Even taking the bus a few times a week will help out, or even walking!

  3. I like living in a small town and being able to walk to most places I need to go. When I was a stay at home mom I walked to the library, the bank, the post office, the insurance agency, the movie theater and restaurants, even some stores were within walking distance. I liked it, but now as a full time student, I just don't have time. I think that's a large part of our nation's problem, is we all try to do too much and don't have time to do what it really good for us. As for me though, I'm not part of that 27% who rides a bike! I'm much better on two feet than two wheels!
