Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Share and Voice Week 2: ISV Australia Crossings Project

Hey Mate!
For about two weeks this summer I went to Bermagui, Australia! This was the most influential and rewarding trip I have ever been on. During my time here we planted over 1,000 trees, went koala surveying, and learned so many different ways on living a sustainable lifestyle. We stayed with a family who owned "The Crossing". This was an incredible project, I learned what it really meant to rough it and live outdoors. This experience made me truly grateful for everything that I do have, and I learned to take nothing for granted. We cooked and prepared food that we picked out from the garden. I have never eaten so many vegetables in my life! We were also only allowed to shower every 3 days, with a 5 minute timer, so I learned to not waste water. The projects we did was really cool as well. We barely had any electricity, so we had to make our own fun. It was were serene to just sit outside a fire, and listen to Erik play his guitar on the evenings. Or, during the day we would take nature walks, and explore the beautiful land as well. It was exciting when we got to go into town. I learned that I use to take a lot for granted in regards to the amount of paper products I used, or heat. This was the greatest experience I have been apart of. I met so many wonderful people that I still am in contact with today. I also developed so many habits that I still use today. I am less dependent on technology, a better cook, and just more aware of what I am using, and always find the thought in the back of my head of, do I really need this?
If ever given the chance I would go back to Australia, and work on a sustainability project in a heart beat!

                                                         Jumping beside the beach!

                                                      Group after planting 1,000 trees!
                                                        Rendering Australian homes!
                               Group shot with some Aboriginal leaders after koala surveying!
                                                   Just swinging away in the rainforest!


  1. This is looks like an awesome trip! Australia always sounded like a cool place to visit. I'm glad you got to do something good for the community and environment there.. what a way to make an impact!

  2. Thanks! It really was the greatest and most rewarding trip that I have ever been on! I really want to go back!

  3. This looks like such a cool trip! It is great that you learned so many different things while on that trip, like how to conserve water and eat more vegetables. I am not sure that I could go three days without a shower though. Glad you learned so much.
