Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Share and Voice Week 1

This is a GREAT website for everyone to look at. Global Stewards: Environmental Tips has so much information on it, and simple everyday actions, and behaviors to do to help our earth. There is simple recycling, reducing, and reusing tips. Then, there are projects you can do around your community to help make it from friendly, like picking up garbage. Also, kind of like our junking project, there is ideas on how to reuse certain materials that you may consider to be garbage, but can actually be used for different things! Everyone should definitely check out this website!
I really liked the part about different methods of transportation, which I think would be great for everyone else to look at, as we all know what a pain it is to park at UMD with the limited parking options. I also learned a lot from all of the pollution that comes from plastic that I never really knew as much about. There is really no need to have plastic bottles, when it would be easier and cause a lot less pollution if everyone would just refill a glass bottle.
Check out this very informational website!


  1. That was a super cool website. I like how it was set up and it was easy to read. I also liked the colors. It had a lot of useful tips. The tab labeled gifts was the most interesting one for me. It had a lot of good ways to be environmentally friendly even during the holidays when I think a lot of people forget about being kind to the planet. Thanks for posting this website!

  2. Please provide links for the specific topics you address, so that we can visit the webpages and find the information easily. What are some of the tips? What are the different methods of transportation?

  3. Wow, that site really does have a lot of resources! I also liked the gifts tab... Christmas is coming up, so what a great way to be environmentally friendly! Thanks for sharing this site.
